Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Paleo Life: It's been one week!

Well today is Sunday so it has been one week since we began this awesome diet! I have done a lot better than I ever thought I would. I have had opportunities to cheat and eat something bad for me but have turned it down because I didn't WANT to eat it.  I don't think I can say I have felt like this before on a diet.  Usually I feel deprived and have to resist to cheat all the time....with this, I simply don't want to cheat.

I have learned a few things this week.  For one, there are so many different "Paleos" out there with their own idea of how we should eat.  Some are super hardcore! One said something along the lines of "cavemen didn't bake so even paleo-friendly baked goods aren't okay". Well, your right, they obviously didn't have a Kitchenaid and oven handy.....however I am not trying to BE a caveman. I am trying to eat the food our bodies were meant to eat, the food humans have eaten since the beginning of time. If making a baked goodie out of gluten-free ingredients makes me happy, I am going to do it.  It makes it easier and more realistic for me.  Regardless to if I eat baked goods or not, I am eating a million times better than ever before and that counts for something....a big something!

Here are some things we tried that I totally loved!
Paleo Breakfast Bread
Chocolate Frosting Shots

The breakfast bread is sooooo good! Even Corbin liked it! The Chocolate frosting....pretty much AMAZING!! I used it as a dip for strawberries and it was seriously so good! These two things will be served quite often around here I bet! :)

As for results so far...
My weight hasn't changed since my last post but you can certainly see a difference.  I feel like my waist is slimming down quite a bit, as well as my arms.  I should probably do some measurements to keep track better.
I am drinking lots more water and am actually loving veggies.  I have never eaten so many veggies in my life, but now I love them and prefer them. :)

I am very excited to continue with this journey! Hope you enjoy reading about it. :)

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