Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Paleo Life: Casey saves the day!

So, I told myself I would be completely honest on here....so here it goes!

I have been sticking to the Paleo diet but it has been a little tough! I never realized how many carbs I ate in a day, or how much processed junk.  Kinda grosses me out now.

One thing I was having an issue with is raw veggies.  I like them, but I mainly like them with a dip or something.  Most of my life I didn't really eat my veggies, so this is kind of a new thing.
So, I decided I would allow myself to have some veggie dip until I got used to it.  I bought the Organic kind. Yes, I know, it has milk...but I figured if I am going to stick to this diet, I need to ease into some things or else I will get frustrated and cave in(no pun intended! lol).

Well today my friend Casey told me about her "Ranch" recipe.  Here it is:

1/2 cup Vegannaise
Soy milk(or your choice of any other non-dairy milk ie: Almond or Coconut)
1/2 tsp Onion Powder
1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
-Mix the milk and Vegannaise until you reach desired consistency.  Stir in onion and garlic powder. Season to taste.

I made it a little differently.  I used Olive Oil mayo (store bought since we all know I can't handle mayo making!) and Coconut milk in mine.  It was seriously so good...and something I don't have to beat myself up over.  I used just a little bit on my salad tonight at dinner...and I went back for seconds!!

I am so happy! Finally something I like, that I can have and not feel bad about it.  I am pretty proud of myself so far I must say.  Yes it has only been like 3 days, but in this short time I have drastically changed my eating habits.  I never realized how poorly I was eating before! I can now feel good about everything I put into my body....and I like that! :)

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