Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Paleo Life: How its going

Well today is day 5 of this journey.  So here is an update on how its going.

I kinda forgot to mention that I did cheat on my first day! (who does that right? lol) In my defense, my husband and I went on a date(which doesn't happen all that often) and we went to a movie.  We got popcorn and soda :( but no candy!  Since then I have been sticking to it quite well. I am starting to get used to vegetables and eating when I am hungry and not because its "meal time". I am mainly snacking here and there all day, so yay for that metabolism boost!

I've read that eventually you will stop craving carbs and sugars and I can say that is probably true.  I will admit, I am an ice cream person and was a huge carb lover(hence why I am chubby lol). At first it was a little hard to not have crackers with my Paleo Chili or ice cream as a dessert.  But as the days go by I find it to be easier to restrain the urge.  Now, if I want something sweet, I grab some berries or grapes.  If I want a snack, I have some veggies with my Paleo friendly Ranch dip or some beef jerky.

I am now hooked on researching everything Paleo.  It's amazing how many resources there are for this out there.  A whole new world has opened up for me! I really want to stick to this! I kind of have a problem with giving up on things like diet/exercise but this is fun for me right now and I hope that fun stays around. 

Now let's talk about the fun part! I think I am finally brave enough to share my weight with everyone and will let you know as it goes down. :) For a few weeks I would fluctuate between 175-180 depending on how much I ate the day before.  Before I began Paleo, I was pretty much at 180.  Well this morning I was down to 175!! :) My current goal weight is 155 so not too far to go.  Wish me luck! :)

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