Friday, October 29, 2010

I am gonna do it!

Everyone knows I am a HUGE natural birth believer! Some of you know I started my journey to become a midwife in 2007 but have taken a break.....well break no longer! I have found a route that works perfect for me and plan on finally fulfilling my goal of becoming a midwife! I have pushed this aside for too long and I know I need to get back to it! There are not enough midwives in this country so I am going to do my part and add one more!! I am so excited that I can hardly stand it! Wish me luck!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm Back!!

It has been FOREVER since I have done anything with this blog! I am so sorry about that! We had Bryson's first birthday and then we moved up to New York! Hopefully things are settled enough for me to get going with this again!!! UPDATES: There have been some changes to our cloth diapering lives lately. I have recently decided that I like fitteds and covers much better than all pockets are gone and we only have fitteds now! Yes they have 1 more step but they hold more pee since the whole diaper can absorb instead of just the insert! As most of you know, we are pregnant again with baby #2! I am 18 weeks and due in March. And of course I already have tons of diapers for the new baby! :) Lots of new stuff going on! I have a few pages to work on so I will get going with that as soon as possible!