Saturday, January 8, 2011

Amber Teething Necklaces

Amber teething necklaces are the greatest! Basically you put the necklace on your baby and leave it! The warmth of their skin allows the amber to secrete an acid that is a natural pain reliever. THE BABY DOES NOT CHEW ON THE NECKLACE! These necklaces are basically like a that baby cannot put it in their mouth. 
Bryson has had one on for probably 6 months or more. I never take it off. It is not long enough to choke on or anything. When he first started cutting teeth it was miserable! He did not handle it very well. Since he has had the necklace he has cut most of the teeth he has now and I don't even notice most of the time. I seriously I go to brush his teeth and find new teeth in his mouth! It's amazing! It really works great for him!
You can use Amber for other things as well....they come in bracelets for arthritis and longer necklaces for adults for migraines and other pains.
So here is why we are discussing this today: I have had a few friends interested in trying these out.  The thing is, they retail for about $18 & up. I am extremely cheap and will not pay that.  I got mine from a co op on a cloth diapering group for a great price! I decided to go ahead and host a co op so my friends can try these amazing things too. If you are interested please comment on this post or send me an email: As soon as I have an idea of how many people want them I will be able to give prices. I am estimating we can do it for about $10-12 each including postage to me and you. The more we buy the better the deal we get! So tell your friends!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

DIY - How To Make Your Own Diaper Sprayer

I came across this video in one of my cloth diapering groups. This shows you how to make your own diaper sprayer so you don't have to buy one at the ridiculous price of $40 or more. The Mama that posted it said her hubby made their sprayer for about $12!!!
If your lost, a diaper sprayer attaches to your toilet making it super easy to clean poopy diapers off. You do not need to spray them off if you EXCLUSIVELY breastfeed...this means baby does not receive ANY baby food, table food, or formula. Breastfed poop is completely water soluble and will rinse away in the wash. Formula and baby food poop will not rinse well in the washer and you will have small clumps of poop lingering around (trust me I know this, I didn't spray a diaper off very well once LOL)
A diaper sprayer makes dealing with poop sooo much easier! I wouldn't live without one. Bryson eats all table food now so his poo is mostly solid and I can just plop it in the toilet but sometimes it won't be so solid and we need to rinse it off...this takes about 10 seconds and is really not that big of a deal!