Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I have been neglecting this blog...yet again! I apologize! I am going to really try hard and work on it more often.... Today I would like to talk about vinegar! I know I discuss it on my Chemical free cleaning page...but since I started this blog I have learned new ways of using it....and want to remind you of another great use!

Toilets: Put about a TBSP of baking soda in your toilet...then pour in about a cup of vinegar. You can use less vinegar if you would like just make sure you pour enough in to get some good foam going! Let it sit for a few and scrub with your toilet brush.....and VOILA! Perfection!!!
Our toilets can get a nasty ring around them pretty quickly and this method takes about 2 seconds to get them pearly white again! I will never use toilet bowl cleaner ever again!

Whiten Whites/Brighten Colors: I already discuss this on the cleaning page but it works so well lets talk about it again! Put some vinegar in your downy ball and throw it in the works amazingly well!! Since Bryson has started walking...his socks are no longer white! They get pretty dirty and it was bugging me! So I started using vinegar again and they look a lot better!

Diapers: I was having some serious stink issues recently and talked about it with many different cloth diapering mamas! One of them gave me a suggestion and it has worked like a I thought I would share it with ya'll! Now...I use mostly fitted diapers with a few pockets...they say vinegar can eat at the PUL...I have never had a problem with the pockets I throw in but if you don't want to chance it, I understand. If you are a pocket diaper mama....throw your inserts only in for this soak.
 Fill your washer with hot water on a medium sized load setting. Pour an entire gallon of vinegar into the washer(go to Sam's Club! I have bought so much vinegar from there). Then add about a TBSP of baking soda. Throw all your stinky diapers in...if you would like you can let the washer agitate for a few seconds to mix well. Then pause the machine and let them soak...either overnight or for several hours. I typically throw mine in first thing in the morning and let them soak till the afternoon. Once you are done with your soak...un-pause your machine so it can finish it's cycle. I then wash them normally and add an extra rinse or 2 with hot water.
This method has worked SOOO well! My diapers got some serious buildup when I was visiting my mom and this fixed them right up!! Bryson's skin looks so much better since we have been doing this. I do it about once a month or so. If anyone has any questions about anything natural/green please ask away! Chances are I know the answer or can figure it out for you!