Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Paleo Life: The Beginning

My husband and I have recently decided to change our eating habits and live a much healthier lifestyle.  We have always thought that what the first humans ate, was probably what we should be eating.  It just makes sense to us.  After further research and talking with a few friends, we found what some refer to as the Paleo/Primal diet.  I researched it a bunch more and decided it was perfect for us! I personally could eat meat every single day, I grew up that way.  Brian and I are most certainly carnivores! :)

Disclaimer: Before anyone gets all crazy on me....This is just OUR journey...keyword: OUR! We will probably not follow it 100% to start out(baby steps!!!) and there will be times I will cheat or mess up.  We are only human.  We are trying our best and that's okay with us, so let it be okay with you. :)

For more information on the Paleo lifestyle, see these links.

Both links are great visual explanations! 

Today, St. Patty's Day, we started our journey!!
First, I decided all no-no foods had to go! If its not in my house, I won't eat it. As I cleaned my pantry out, I realized how horribly we were eating.  The pantry was pretty much bare when we were done.  We did keep a few things for the kids though, since they aren't going to be as easy to switch.
Here is what I got rid of:
Yeahh...we like Ramen!

 This is what our pantry looks like post-clean.
The top shelf is for the boys.  We plan on avoiding canned vegetables and eating as much fresh veggies as possible, but again, baby steps.
Then it was on to the fridge!! I just threw out what was in there that was a no-no, so here is what we kept.
Yes I am keeping my coffee creamer.  I can't cut the coffee just yet! :) We also kept a few condiments but honestly they will probably go soon.
The fridge is kind of a disaster right now from having family in town and a birthday party. We have an over abundance of salsa. Lots of random veggies left too.
Now for the freezer.  Pretty much only had to pitch a few Lean Cuisines.
Yes I am aware that the Bacardi is a no-no.  However, Brian recently bought it so I wasn't gonna make him throw it out! :)

After our massive food purge....we went grocery shopping.  First we hit up the local health food store, then onto the grocery store and finally to Sam's Club.  We would prefer to buy local veggies/fruits and grass-fed beef and such but the farmer's market hasn't started up just yet so the regular store will have to do for now.

Here is what we got:
I am actually extremely excited to do this.  Meat and veggies sounds just fine to me! I love that we can have eggs, that will make breakfast super easy.  Oh! We will continue to eat butter.  We bought a big thing of it from the health food store, so it's the good kind.  I have just heard so many great things about butter and just can't ditch it. I might change my mind later, but for now we use it!

Neither of us are Irish, at all, but we happen to enjoy St. Patrick's Day(especially since it's so close to Corbin's birthday).  So tonight we will eat Corned Beef and red potatoes.  Potatoes are one of those if-y foods for this diet, but I say its a veggie so we will eat it. 

So that's all for our first day.  I will continue to update you all on how it is going.  Hopefully I will get a chance to blog more often.  :)

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